On October 2-3, “Conflict and Emotions Management. Communications Skills” training was conducted in Amberd hotel complex. 30 youth active group members from WFD NGO beneficiary communities took part in the training․ During this retreat, the results of “My Community” video […]
Video contest on the topic “My Community”
Սիրելի՛ երիտասարդներ, «Կանայք հանուն զարգացման» ՀԿ-ն հայտարարում է «Իմ համայնքը» խորագրով տեսանյութերի մրցույթ։ ԿՀԶ ՀԿ շահառու համայնքներում զբոսաշրջությունը խթանելու նպատակով առաջարկում ենք պատրաստել կարճ տեսահոլովակ, որը կներկայացնի ձեր համայնքը, հետաքրքիր սովորույթներն ու ավանդույթները, տեսարժան վայրերն ու գյուղի համով-հոտով մարդկանց, ովքեր […]
Summary analysis of the “Peace Lessons from COVID-19” contest
We present you the summary analysis of the “Peace Lessons from COVID-19” international painting and essay contest in the form of infographics. We have separated the data according to the participating countries, received works, as well as to gender and […]
The Final Results of “Peace Lessons from COVID-19” essay contest
We overcame another difficult and responsible job today, summarizing the results of the essay contest. The commission consisted of: Armen Varosyan – The Urban Foundation, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mariana Edilyan – HR Planning and Development Unit Manager, […]
Final results of “Peace Lessons from COVID-19” drawing contest
09․06․2020թ․ The results of the International Drawing contest “Peace Lessons from COVID-19” were summarized. The members of the commission were: Jennifer Batton– Professor, Co-Chair GPPAC Peace Education Working Group, Coordinator Ohio Peace and Conflict Studies Network, Ohio, USA, Ohio, […]
“Peace Lessons from COVID-19” 4th Annual Contest
Dear schoolchildren and youth, “Women for Development” NGO is pleased to announce its 4th annual peace drawings and essays contest, with this year’s theme being “Peace Lessons from COVID-19” (here are the link from the previous contests). Presently the […]
“Power of Peace” Exhibition 2018 launched
On 3rd of November Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) in Yerevan kindly hosted current exhibition of 3rd Pan Armenian Painting Contest: “Power of Peace” dedicated to both International Peace Day and Armenian “Velvet Revolution”. The competition was organized by Women […]
“Power of Peace”, 3rd Annual Painting Competition
Dear teachers and schoolchildren, “Women for Development” NGO (WFD NGO) announces the 3rd Pan-Armenian Painting Contest, this year under the motto “Power of Peace”. Goal of the contest The main purpose of the competition is to draw the attention of […]
“I am a Sower of Peace” art exhibition launched at UN House in Armenia
September 21 is the international day of Peace, while the summarizing exhibition of the 2nd Pan Armenian painting contest “I am a Sower of Peace” was opened at UN House in Armenia on the previous day. The contest was initiated […]
“Let’s live in peace with our neighbors” exhibition in Geneva
“Let’s live in peace with our neighbors” exhibition was opened in “La Grande Boissière” international school in Geneva on 16-30 September with the support of “Giving Women” association. The first three prize winner paintings and the selected 50 best artworks […]