In state level, WFD cooperates with the National Institute of Education, RA Ministry of Education.
Local municipalities assist and contribute to WFD’s work in rural communities.
In international level, we are a member of different educational networks and associations, which promote peace education around the world. This gives us the opportunity to share our experience and challenges in peace education process in Armenia. We also learn from successful experiences of other organisations working in different parts of the world.
WFD is a member of different international networks, associations and partnerships. Here are some of them:
International Network on Conflict Resolution Education and Peace Education /INCREPE/:
International Network for Conflict Resolution Education and Peace Education (INCREPE) is a global network of
individuals and organizations committed to and passionate about building civil societies with the capacity to educate, model, communicate, create policy, promote and implement peace education and conflict resolution education. INCREPE develops/builds capacity to promote a culture of peace and non-violence through the
engagement of networks and support structures at local, regional, and international levels with the strong participation of youth. To promote living together peacefully and democratically through
life-long learning while significantly reducing the economic, environmental, and
human costs of violence and acknowledging and appreciating cultural differences.
Global Partnership For the Prevention of Armed Conflict:
The core membership of the GPPAC network is comprised of regional and international civil society organizations and
networks involved in conflict prevention and peace-building activities. Wherever possible, the network engages in active partnerships with individual governments, intergovernmental
organizations, private sector associations and other relevant bodies to pursue conflict
prevention and peace-building activities. More:
International Peace Research Association, member of the Council: Peace Education Commission:
Since 1964 IPRA has been pursuing interdisciplinary research into the most pressing issues
related to sustainable peace around the world today. As a network of scholars, practitioners and decision-makers from all continents, we strive to stay at the cutting edge of the state of the art of peace. IPRA is about building communities of inquiry. For peace research closer to home, contact one of our five geographically distributed regional associations to learn about recent events and initiatives. If you are looking for a more specific discipline within peace and conflict research, get involved with one of IPRA’s Commissions or Working Groups according to your area of specialization. IPRA, the network for peace researchers, has just held its 22nd Global Conference, in July, which provided a space for approximately 400 researchers from all parts of the world to exchange actionable knowledge about this issue in order to advance
theory, policy, and practice worldwide. Eight plenary sessions, more than 250 presentations and numerous other activities facilitated this exchange.
International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN)
ICAN promotes inclusive and sustainable peace in countries affected by violent conflict, extremism, militarism, and closing political space. Recognizing the gendered impact of conflict and the critical role of women peacebuilders, we fulfill our mission through a dual strategy of:
- Shaping and influencing the peace and security policies of governments, multilateral organizations, and the wider international community by providing thought leadership, strategic advice, and gender-responsive analysis and operational guidance; and
- Sustaining and strengthening a global movement of innovative locally rooted women peacebuilders to have voice and influence wherever matters of peace, violent conflict, rights, and human security are determined.
We bring the word and spirit of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and the global women, peace and security agenda to life.
Global Water Partnership
Women’s Alliance for Security Leadership (WASL)
The Women’s Alliance for Security Leadership (WASL) brings together existing women rights and peace practitioners, organizations, and networks actively engaged in preventing extremism and promoting peace, rights and pluralism, to enable their systematic and strategic collaboration. “Women’s rights activists are the longest-standing socially-rooted, transnational groups mobilizing for peace, countering rising extremism, and providing an alternative vision for the future.” — WASL founding statement.
If you are working in related fields or require assistance, we will be happy to cooperate. Contact us!