December 14-16, 2012 WFD organized a working group meeting for “Peace and conflicts resolution education in schools of Armenia” in Gyumri. The working group included heads of National Institute of Education regional branches, teachers and vice-principles of some schools where […]
National Institute of Education
Peace education: Armavir region
WFD education team was in Armavir region to meet teachers from five schools and NIE specialists in order to summarize the results of peace classes in this region. Teachers were excited and inspired about students’ attitude and interest in peace […]
Peace education, Yeghvard school N3
November 30, 2012 the educational team of WFD participated in the open class “Conflict peaceful resolution, conflict management” organized at school N3 in Yeghvard. The class was prepared by eight graders and facilitated by their teacher Siranush Mkrtchyan. Pupils performed their […]
Peace classes in Gegharqunik
November 29, 2012 a meeting with teachers was held in Gavar, Gegharqunik. The goal of the meeting was to summarize and discuss the classes of “Conflict Peaceful Resolution Education in Schools” held in Gegharqunik region. Teachers and specialists of NIE emphasized the […]
Teachers’ trainings in Syunik, Vayots Dzor, Ararat and Yerevan
ToT trainings in the frames of the project “Peace and Conflict Resolution Education in Schools” took place form the 25th September – 4th of October in four regions of Armenia- Syunik, Vayots Dzor, Ararat and Yerevan. In total 80 teachers and […]
Trainings in Shirak, Kotayk, Lori, Tavush and Aragatsotn
With the beginning of the new academic year, WFD restarted ToT trainings for teachers in the frames of “Peace and Conflict Resolution Education in Schools” project, which is aimed to reduce the number of violation cases and create an environment […]
Teachers’ training in Lori, Tavush, Aragatsotn and Kotayk
In November 2011 – March 2012 more than 100 teachers of 25 schools from four provinces of Armenia (Lori, Tavush, Aragatsotn, Kotayk) participated in requalification trainings organized by WFD in the frames of “Peace and Conflict Resolution Education in Schools […]
Presentation of peace education handbook in Shirak, Lori and Aragatsotn
In June-December 2008, jointly with the specialists from the National Institute of Education of RA Ministry of Education and Science /NIE/, presentations were organized for more than 230 teachers from 10 project beneficiary schools, as well as more than 100 […]
Teachers’ training in Shirak region
In March-June 2008 “Women for Development” NGO and the National Institute of Education of RA Ministry of Education and Science organized “Peace and Conflict Resolution Education” trainings for more than 20 teachers from 10 beneficiary schools in Shirak along with […]
“Peace and Conflict Resolution Education in Schools”: a handbook for teachers
One of the most important achievements of the organisation throughout the year was publication of “Peace and Conflict Resolution Education in Schools” handbook for teachers. Back in December 2007 a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between WFD NGO and the […]