The practical guide “Conflict Peaceful Resolution Education in Schools” with corresponding posters was published in March 2012 in the frames of “Peace and Conflict Peaceful Resolution Education in Schools” project implemented by WFD. The guide is a unique methodological manual, […]
Presentation of peace education handbook in Shirak, Lori and Aragatsotn
In June-December 2008, jointly with the specialists from the National Institute of Education of RA Ministry of Education and Science /NIE/, presentations were organized for more than 230 teachers from 10 project beneficiary schools, as well as more than 100 […]
“Peace and Conflict Resolution Education in Schools”: a handbook for teachers
One of the most important achievements of the organisation throughout the year was publication of “Peace and Conflict Resolution Education in Schools” handbook for teachers. Back in December 2007 a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between WFD NGO and the […]