July 17-19 “Conflict management education at schools” project’s working team held a meeting with the provincial directors of RA NIE on the initiative of “Women for Development” NGO. This was the 2nd meeting of the working team with the purpose to summarize the results of the project “Conflict management education at schools” implemented jointly at 240 schools of Armenia’s 8 Marzes by WFD NGO and NIE (National Institute of Education) regional branches, discuss the specificity of works done in separate marzes, establish a timeline of planned activities for 2015-2016 academic year.
During the meeting WFD NGO also presented the analysis of the survey results held among 1200 schoolchildren, more than 660 teachers and 240 vice-principals, brought various successful examples and stories proving the positive impact of the trainings both on the schoolchildren and the teachers and stated, that in case of consistency it will be possible to achieve greater results and more positive changes in developing culture of peace among the children.
Those present held the same opinion that it was essential to make the project sustainable, invest it in the rest of Armenia’s schools and integrate it into the curriculum planned for head of class hours. To make the project sustainable, the participants developed main strategic steps ensuring the sustainability of including “Conflict management education” into Armenia’s school education system, as well as create the model of submitting the available suggestions and approaches to the Ministry of Education and NIE.
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