Presentation of peace education handbook in Shirak, Lori and Aragatsotn

NIE meetingIn June-December 2008, jointly with the specialists from the National Institute of Education of RA Ministry of Education and Science /NIE/, presentations were organized for more than 230 teachers from 10 project beneficiary schools, as well as more than 100 teachers from 32 schools in Gyumri, Vanadzor and Ashtarak – respective capitals of Shirak, Lori and Aragatsotn provinces.

The goal of the presentations was to disseminate “Peace and Conflict Resolution in Schools” handbook for teachers. All teachers who attended the presentations received copies of the handbook. NIE and school libraries were also provided with handbooks. All school principals received a “Peace Education Center” model developed by WFD NGO specialists, which is a unique policy guide for establishing such centers in schools.