October 20th, the quarterly meeting of community center officers took place at WFD office. Officers presented the work carried out during July-September, and mentioned that participation and interest of the community population have been increased through trainings and events organized at the community centers. Participants brought specific examples, which prove positive changes based on the active work of the community centers.
Torosagyugh community center representative Mariam Ghukasyan happily mentioned the fact of community’s active participation during the past months highlighting the assistance and efforts invested by WFD: “There is already no need to present the work conducted in the community. We managed to earn trust within the community and everyone knows us. We also do not have the problem of involving volunteers, almost every young person is willing to help in organizing events and the number of volunteers is increasing day by day. A great example of the mentioned is the nice event organized by community center volunteers at the opening ceremony of Torosagyugh Culture House. The entire community was talking about this event. Our center has become a place, where any question or initiative can be discussed and be solved through unity. Therefore, small villages really need such centers, which will help the community to become more united and solve their problems together”- mentioned M.Ghukasyan.
Participants highlighted the major importance of various groups existing within the community center, due to which the schoolchildren have been busy throughout the summer and were able to correctly organize their summer holidays. As they said, parents have been sincerely thankful to center responsible persons and volunteers for educating and working with their children. As a positive remark, the responsible persons also mentioned the meetings with doctor. As a result of these meetings, teenagers not only receive necessary information and answers to their questions, but also are not shy to raise the questions and issues that interest them.
Participants also marked the seminars conducted by ecologist Gevorg Petrosyan and its positive influence on people. Community center officers from Tsoghamarg and Musayelyan mentioned that people who were suspicious about the new agricultural methods offered by G. Petrosyan, were surprised to see the potato harvest based on this innovative method. According to them, people have used the offered method even on an unfruitful piece of land, and the results have been amazing.
“You cannot imagine the surprise and excitement of the people, who were following Samvel Hakobyan from Musayelyan to open the potato harvest in front of the ecologist. Samvel had planted two pails of potato and received two bags of harvest with no effort at all. Many decided to use this method next year…” mentioned Natasha Yervandyan, Musayelyan community center officer.
US Peace Corps volunteer Amie Park Wilson, who collaborates with WFD and is interested in community development projects, was also present at the meeting.