Timothy Straight visits WFD and Goghovit

homeland handicraftsOctober 30th, WFD hosted Timothy Straight, Royal Norwegian and Finnish Honorary Consul in Armenia. Amie Wilson, a Peace Corps volunteer in Armenia and Even Haug Larsen, a visiting teacher from Norway accompanied the Consulate. Timothy Straight organizes and implements the Homeland Handicraft project in different parts of Armenia.

The main purpose of this visit was to get acquainted homeland handicrafts 4with the activities of WFD, ongoing and accomplished projects as well as with handmade products prepared by the WFD beneficiaries. Eventually they would attempt to find ways of developing handicrafts in rural communities. 
Timothy Straight was especially interested in the community development project carried out by WFD in 8 rural communities and activities towards overcoming unemployment in rural communities. 
Guests also visited Goghovit village, where the Ccommunity center was established by WFD over five years ago. They met community center volunteers and were introduced the handmade knitted and wood products prepared by Manushak Nersisyan and Gegham Manukyan. 
There were concrete suggestions, which can be included in the Homeland Handicrafts project in the future.