From now on the youth and the elderly of Shirak region Lermakert community will have a comfortable place to spend their free time more interestingly and productively. For many years the renovation of the Culture house had been one of the urgent problems of the community, as its absence had a negative impact on the organization of the community cultural life and the youth leisure time.
The Culture house which was built back in the 1960s had never been renovated and over the years the situation had become worse.
In the result of the trainings and discussions organized in the community by the NGO “Women for Development” the active group undertook the renovation of the Culture House at the initiative of the village mayor Movses Movsisyan. In the result of the renovation work which took about 4 months all the old doors and windows of the building have been replaced, the corridor of the building and one of the rooms covering 35 square meters have been completely renovated. The newly renovated and furnished room has already become the best place to spend the leisure time by the village youth and the elderly. The room will also be used for organization of public meetings and discussions. Totally 2 900 000 AMD is spent for the renovation work, out of which 800 000 AMD is the NFD NGO contribution, 100 000 AMD is the village municipality contribution and 2 000 000 AMD is the fundraising among the village population and the villagers living outside Lernakert.
According to village mayor M. Movsisyan, the project will be continuous and the entire building will be renovated step by step, and will serve both for training of various groups and large-scale community events. Expressing gratitude to WFD NGO representatives for the social programs and collaborative work carried out in their community, Mr. Movsisyan expressed hope that it will be continued and presented a letter of gratitude to the organization on behalf of the community.