New dresses for Lanjik dance group

“United we can move mountains” is a project prepared by the teachers, community centre volunteers and activists in Lanjik as a result of the seminar on project proposal writing organised by WFD.
In Lanjik, there is a dance group, which actively participates in all community events and organizes independent concerts.
The group does not, however, have appropriate traditional dance dresses and accessories. This project aims to unite Lanjik community and educate the younger generation with the values of national culture.

With WFD’s initiative and financial support, necessary materials and items for dresses have already been purchased. The tailor has designed and sewed the first sample of the dress. Lusine Oleyan, a member of Lanjik community has volunteered to prepare the rest of the dresses.

During the upcoming event organised by the school and community centre, Lanjik dance group will perform wearing new traditional dresses.