International Day of Peace, UN Armenia

An event devoted to the International Day of Peace was held in the UN Armenian office on September 18, 2009. This year the International Day of Peace was celebrated by UN under the slogan “We must disarm”.

International-peace-day-unThe Association of Women with University Education organized the event, and a number of civil society organizations participated in it. Gohar Markosyan, the President of WFD, was also invited to participate in the event and presented the project “Peace and Conflict Resolution education in schools” which is being implemented in the schools of Shirak region for the last 8 years.

Gohar Markosyan started her presentation with the following words: “The peace education philosophy of Gandhi is in the following: it is necessary to teach peace education not only on memory days, it is necessary to promote the teachers to teach peace to our children. Following this philosophy, we undertake stable steps to introduce peace education to schools”.